Have you ever tried a restaurant and ever wondered why it wasn’t getting 5-stars on Google My Business? Or why there are not a lot of people who are leaving good reviews? The fact of the matter is that this is also true when it comes to vacation rentals.
If you plan to host, you have to understand that though reviews are important. However, you aren’t always getting what you want. There are instances when people just leave negative reviews. It is quite common that a lot of happy customers are more than happy to just tell you that they loved your service. This is also true when it comes to vacation rentals.
And the worst part about it is that there are times when reviews can definitely scare potential guests away.
What you have to do is to first make use of platforms that encourage reviews. You want to make use of platforms such as Airbnb that remind the guests to leave a comment or review after their stay. This can be a good thing because it allows the guests to say its experience using different categories.
Also, it means that your satisfied guests are more likely to make a review because of the reminder being done by the app.
Keep in mind that an angry guest will most likely just give you a bad review even if they simply disliked one or two aspects of your property. And considering these things, you have to understand that you will have to play just rely on your satisfied guests. If you are doing your best as a host, most likely, you will have more happy guests than those who aren’t satisfied.
Also, you have to sound sincere to your clients. You want to make sure that you are going to let them know that you are more than willing to improve on aspects that they have mentioned. You also want to showcase the photos of your vacation rental in order to get the attention of those people who really don’t care about reviews.

If you are going to have a vacation rental, you also want to prevent negative reviews. The best way to avoid negative reviews is by checking the usual things that your potential guests like. Here, you can showcase these things from the get-go. Also, don’t ever promise something that you can’t deliver. What you want is to be honest with your guests. Don’t advertise a room that can accommodate three people if it can only accommodate two people.
The last thing that you want is to also escalate the bad reviews. You need to find a way on how to ease their negative feeling about the service that they received. You can only do this by apologizing to them and letting them know that you are doing your best as a host to improve the service. And lastly, why not make use of the bad reviews to see what you can still work on? Remember that there will always be something you can improve on in your property.